All About OTTBs: What does an OTTB know
your horse will know how to stand for the vet and farrier
your horse will know how to walk, trot, canter and gallop
your horse will know how to do a flying lead change
your horse will be used to hoses and baths
your horse will know how to stand to be saddled and bridled
your horse will be used to people, commotion, and a routine
most racehorses have only had flu/rhino vaccines
most racehorses have 4 shoes. it is generally NOT recommended that you pull all 4 (at minimum leave front shoes on) until your horse has been seen by a qualified farrier. their feet typically need quite a bit of work to become "riding horse feet"
most racehorses know what a peppermint is and they love them
What might be new to your OTTB
walking, trotting, cantering in a balanced way
hay on the ground
carrots and treats
indoor arenas
traditional flying lead changes

What your OTTB will need
time, love and patience
a kind hand, teach them new things slowly and fairly
some OTTBs are quite unbalanced and be body sore and you will need to work with your vet, farrier, chiropractor, bodywork person, magnawave etc to help your horse adjust to life off the track
your horse will need a properly fitted saddle, please find a professional saddle fitter
your horse will need quality farrier services
your horse may need significant "let down" time to just be a horse.
quality high fat/low fiber feed and plenty of hay, at least 6-9 flakes a day
if you're boarding your horse, please pay for extra hay
there is about a 90% chance that your horse has gastric ulcers, please treat with Gastroguard or Abler brand omeprazole. Also talk to your vet about sucralfate.
quality turnout time in pasture